K9 Blog

Expert advice, dog-friendly city guides,
dog owner tips and tricks, and much more!

Therapy For Dogs

We’re living in an age where we are becoming more aware of our own mental health and wellbeing, and furthermore we are acknowledging the role our dogs play in this.

Canine Lymphoma

Canine Lymphoma

As a vet it is never a nice feeling to have to tell an owner that you think their pet might have cancer. Dogs suffer from a variety of different cancers just like humans do. And some are more treatable than others.


Enrichment is defined as ‘something you add to your dog’s environment that they choose to interact with and that has a positive impact on their psychological or physical well being.’

Running with your dog

It’s the perfect time to step up your fitness and explore your local parks, tracks and trails, beaches and woodland with your faithful companion.