K9 Blog

Expert advice, dog-friendly city guides,
dog owner tips and tricks, and much more!

K9 Guide to Hebden Bridge

If you are a fan of independent shops, scenic countryside and community spirit you should definitely pay this bohemian beauty spot a visit.

Water Intoxication

It is possible, as it is with humans, that a dog can take in too much water. Whilst this is rare, and less of a risk than heatstroke in dogs, it is useful to know the signs.

Top 10 Yorkshire Walks

On our app you can find more details and reviews of your favourite walks and hikes all across the UK. Check out some of our top picks and let us where you’ll be visiting first.

Dangerous Foods for Dogs

Here we will look at the foods which are dangerous to dogs as well as those hidden nasties we need to be aware of and treats to watch out for.

Broths and Supplements for Dogs

Given that around 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, this good bacteria barrier is critical to your pet’s health.

A small, brown and white dog is eating from a raised wooden and metal dog bowl that is filled with food.

Dogs eating too fast

Your first step in discovering why your dog is eating too quickly should be to visit a vet, they are the experts after all.

How much should I feed my dog?

Ever wondered whether you’re feeding your dog the right amount? Perhaps they’re leaving food in their bowl, or constantly begging you for more.